Read the latest brain training news, expert insights and real-world tips on achieving peak mental performance and improving mental health and wellness.

5 Science-Based Secrets: How to Overcome Procrastination and Laziness

In our work to maximize the brain’s true potential, we know that the answer to why people procrastinate is more complex than laziness or poor time management. We all recognize that it’s in our best interest not to delay or postpone a task, but procrastination still wins over in some cases. What is happening in […]

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What You Really Need to Know When Arguing With Someone Who Has ADHD

Arguments happen all the time. Young children frequently squabble over toys and food. Teenagers often argue with their parents about all sorts of things primarily because of the physical and psychological changes they’re experiencing. For spouses, arguments usually stem from differing opinions, stress or misunderstandings. Friends may quarrel about unmet expectations, miscommunication and loyalty issues. […]

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The Science of Boosting Dopamine to Motivate an ADHD Brain

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of children and adults worldwide. Through our work in neurofeedback therapy, I’ve observed firsthand how our patients with ADHD often struggle to maintain focus for prolonged periods and control impulsive behavior. They usually experience episodes of hyperactivity that can impact many aspects […]

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Thriving With an ADHD Partner: 4 Struggles You Will Need to Navigate

Relationships between a neurotypical individual and one with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may face some unique circumstances that can be daunting to navigate. But there are scientifically proven ways to build a healthy, happy life together.  If you’re romantically involved with a person diagnosed with ADHD, don’t fret. Your struggles may be a bit different, but […]

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From ‘I Hate My Life’ to ‘I Love My Life’: 10 Ways to Enjoy Life Everyday

Everyone goes through an “I hate my life” phase at one point or another. These are the times you lose interest in the outside world and get demotivated and exhausted easily. When you’re stuck in this cycle of unhappiness, weariness and apathy, you might start thinking there’s no way out of it. However, there are […]

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Left vs. Right Brain Dominance: Dissecting the Fascinating Debate

The human brain — isn’t it a marvel of nature? Nestled within the skull, this wonderfully complex organ allows us to experience life in all its splendor, from the logical reasoning behind a mathematical problem to the emotional resonance of a beautiful piece of music. The brain operates the vehicle that is the body and […]

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