Top ADHD risk factors, causes and treatment

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral disorder. It interrupts the way the brain processes information. Globally this chronic condition affects millions of children and often is carried through adulthood. Hyperactivity, divided attention, impulsive behavior are some of the symptoms that may be evident in a child diagnosed with ADHD. This hampers their ability to concentrate in school, engage with peers and their social development. Children are also seen struggling with low self-esteem.  Although symptoms can lessen with age, it is not possible for children to outgrow these issues completely. Knowing the risks, causes and treatment for ADHD could go a long way in helping individuals living with it. 



To further understand ADHD, there are three subtypes of ADHD – a) Predominantly inattentive, b) Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive and c) Combined.  



The exact cause for ADHD is yet unknown, however there are a number of causes identified as below:

There are also some myths surrounding the causes for ADHD for which there is no research or evidence yet.  Some of them include poor parenting, increased screen time, consuming excessive amounts of sugar and poverty. These could worsen it for a child suffering from ADHD but not directly cause the neurobehavioral disorder. 

Read further to understand how you can help children with ADHD


Stay organized

For kids it is essential to maintain a routine summing up time for homework, outdoor play and indoor activities. Involve kids in organizing everyday items and ensure they are keeping it in place. Consistent rules help them understand and follow it to the tee. Instead of criticizing bad behavior, use praise for good behavior. Be sure to look for the good in what they do and reward them for that.

Keeping a routine helps witness great results in adults as well. Making lists and using organizers, calendars, reminder notes, preparing different lists for different tasks etc. can assist with organizational skills. Breaking down large tasks in small manageable steps provides a sense of accomplishment. 


Some additional Do’s and Don’ts:




Non-invasive Treatments for ADHD in Dubai 

Medication to some extent can reduce hyperactivity and work on their ability to focus, work, and learn. Medication should be followed by strict supervision from a licensed professional. Earlier, medication was the only proven effective treatment. Although convenient, medications can often cause side effects in kids. Some of them include sleep problems, mood swings, loss of appetite etc. It is only recently that there have been proven alternatives such as use of supplements, rich and well-balanced diet and    Electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback. EEG biofeedback is non-invasive and a type of neurotherapy that measures brain waves and is a promising treatment for ADHD.


Our specialists at Evolve Brain Training, specializing in ADHD treatment in Dubai can share their expertise in treating children and adults with ADHD. We offer an effective and easy-going approach that is 100% drug or medication free. For more information or inquiries on our services, fill out the contact form displayed below and one of our team members will get in touch with you! 

Dr. Upasana Gala is the founder and CEO of Evolve Brain Training, a Neurofeedback-centered institute that focuses on using non-invasive brain training techniques to maximize the brain's true potential.

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